ACEL offers 2 technoforums at 3rd Philconstruct VX

The Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) is conducting two technoforums at the third staging of Philconstruct VX that is now ongoing online. The first one, a session on cargo securement which will be conducted by Mr. Clemente Rey A. Dorosan of the Crosby Group, will be held tomorrow, July 23, from 10:15 AM…

ACEL holds 3rd VGMM on July 28

The Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) will hold its third Virtual General Membership Meeting (VGMM) for the year on Wednesday, July 28. The meeting, which will start at 3:00 PM, will focus on the best option for acquiring equipment through a panel discussion entitled “Finding the Right Balance – Rent vs. Buy.”

ACEL celebrates 55th year!

Last May 27, 2021, the Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) held its second Virtual General Membership Meeting which also served as the virtual celebration of ACEL’s 55th anniversary. Conducted via the Zoom online platform, the meeting was highlighted by the presentation of loyalty awards to companies which have been members for 26 years…

ACEL conducts webinar on rigging fundamentals

To mark the celebration of International Safety Week, the Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) offered a webInar on rigging last May 12, 2021. Held online via the Zoom platform, the session was conducted by Clemente Rey A. Dorosan, regional sales manager and product trainer of the Crosby Group, in partnership with Benedicto Steel…

ACEL’s 1st VGMM for 2021 spotlights COVID vaccines

With the coronavirus pandemic still raging and with the number of people getting sick and dying continuing to rise at an alarming rate, the Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) decided to make the COVID-19 vaccines the focus of its first Virtual General Membership Meeting (VGMM) for 2021. Held on March 3, 2021 and…

ACEL successfully holds 4th VGMM, election of 2021 directors

The Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) was finally able to successfully hold its fourth Virtual General Membership Meeting (VGMM) for 2020, which has as the main item on its agenda the election of the Association’s directors for 2021. Originally scheduled for November 13, 2020, the meeting was cancelled because of Typhoon Ulysses.  Rescheduled…

ACEL postpones virtual elections to November 27, 2020

Due to Typhoon Ulysses and in anticipation of the internet connectivity issues it could cause – not to mention the widespread power outage that actually occurred – the Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessor (ACEL) decided to postpone the virtual elections of its 2021 directors to November 27, 2020. Originally set for November 13, 2020,…